Ink and Toner Cartridge Recycling

At Billings Ink & Toner, we understand the importance of recycling. We encourage our customers to do the same by having their cartridges refilled.
We can recycle any of your unwanted cartridges.  In our store alone, we recycle more than 8,500 pounds in one year! If you are a business and would like to recycle your cartridges with us, give us a call and we can pick them up from your office at no cost to you.

Facts About The Impact of Printer Cartridge on our Environment

  •  It takes about 1 gallon of oil to make a laser cartridge.
  •  Each year, more than 350 million ink and toner cartridges are thrown out in the US alone!
  •  Laser cartridges can take up to 450 to 1,000 years to decompose.
  •  Ink cartridges in the landfills can take up to a millennium to decompose because they contain resin.
  •  70% of used cartridges throughout the world are thrown out.
  •  In 1 year, if the world’s discarded cartridges were stacked end-to-end: they would circle the earth over 3 times.
cartridge recycling
ink and toner

We know you need it today so you'll get it today!

Saving you money one cartridge at a time, we carry the ink and toner cartridges to meet your printing needs!

Ink and Toner Quote

Give us a call or fill out this form below for more information. We would be happy to give you a price quote or answer any questions you may have about our products and services.